Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do you feel lucky...

Between the choices of cooking and eating, which would you rather prefer doing? I bet a great deal of people would rather choose one over the other... ill let you guess which one. I, however, am somehow the one doing the cooking and luckily she gets to do the eating. Am I lucky though, some may ask... DAMN STRAIGHT I AM! Which brings me to a time when she cooked... or tried something of the sort. I came home after a long day of work and there she was standing over the stove, looking all confused, attempting to make a dish that looked like overcooked shrimp was an ingredient. I watched, wondered and then realized there was no turning back. She had made some shrimp stir-fry and another dish she called soup. One taste and I immediately knew... I am so lucky that I know how to feed myself. Since then, I do 99.9 percent of the cooking and she cooks only under strict supervision and guidance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I rather eat but cooking is a necessities. When it comes to raising a family of your own, cooking is the main part of your life. Especially when you want everyone in your family to eat healthy and nutritional balance meals. Once in a blue moon I try to cook something different. But the results always come out tasteless. Needless to say I rather have someone else doing the cooking. But what choice do I have? Sometimes the better half will chime in once in while and help out. But lately, he's doing some more of the cooking ,which is a big help! And of course the meal always come out better then mine! So in a nutshell, I guess our family has balance meals and balance roles!